For Employers
Interested in recruiting skilled veteran interns and employees to your workforce but don’t know where to find them?
The solution was designed with your needs in mind.
We understand how difficult it can be to locate and recruit veteran candidates that match the positions you are trying to fill. Further, we recognize that it can be challenging for recruiting managers and employees to relate to military experience or understand the value that veterans can bring to the workforce. That’s why we’ve developed a robust set of tools and training programs to facilitate the hiring process and give your company the programs and resources needed to ensure the long-term success of your veteran employees. We offer an all-inclusive six step process that assists companies in assessing and growing an existing veteran strategy, or in building and rolling out a new initiative from the ground up.
Examples of Services Provided
Below is a list of some of the more common services we provide for employers, ranging from family-owned businesses to Fortune 500 corporations. Each service is customized and tailored to meet the needs and requirements of the client.
Education on Benefits of Hiring Veterans |
Guidance on Translating Military Experience |
Increasing Veteran Retention |
Assistance claiming tax credits |
Recruitment and Retention